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CANTRIL, H., AMES, A., JR., HASTORF, A. H., & ITTELSON, W. H. : « Psychology and scientific research ». Science 1949, 110, 461-64, 491-97, 517-22. CASSIRER, E. : Substance and function and Einstein's theory of relativity. Translated by W. C. SWABEY and MARIE C. SWABEY. La Salle, Ill. : The Open Court Publishing Co., 1923. FARRINGTON, B. : Greek science : its meaning for us (Thales to Aristotle). Harmondsworth, England : Penguin Books, 1944. FRANK, P. : Einstein : Sa vie et son temps. Paris : Albin Michel 1950. FRANK, P. : Modern science and its philosophy. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1949. GEORGE, W. H. : The scientist in action : a scientific study of his methods. New York : Emerson Books, Inc., 1938. HALL, R. A., Jr. : Leave your language alone ! Ithaca, N. Y. : Linguistica, 1950. KEYSER, C. J. : The human worth of rigorous thinking. New York : Columbia University Press, 1925. KEYSER, C. J. : Mathematics as a culture clue; and other essays. New York : Scripta Mathematica, Yeshiva University, 1947. LEE, I. J. : The language of wisdom and folly. New York : Harper & Bros., 1949. LÉVY-BRUHL, L. : Les Fonctions mentales dans les sociétés inférieures, Paris: Librairie Alcan, 1921. MEYERS, R. : «The nervous system and general semantics. III. Perceptual response and the neurology of abstraction.» Etc. : A Review of General Semantics, 1949, 6, 169-96. WIENER, N. : Cybernetics. New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1948. |